If you want to lose excess body fat then there are three things you should do. Firstly, eat more sensibly p choose low calorie foods. Secondly, exercise more. Last and by no means least use a thermogenic fat burning supplement – namely Trimtone.

Trimtone Review Summary: There are so many weight loss pills to choose from it’s hard to differentiate the good from the bad. In fact there is no perfect product.
However, Trimtone is pretty close. If you are a vegan this may not be for you – otherwise it pretty much does what is says on the tin.
It can burn your existing excess fat and also help you reduce your hunger. It’s also not just for women – men can use it as well.
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Trimtone Review
Trimtone is a new fat burner for women that’s presently getting a lot of attention.
That’s not unusual, a lot of women are desperately unhappy about their weight, want to do something about it, and accept that they will need a little extra help.
How good is Trimtone though? Will it really provide the kind of results women crave? This review will answer your questions about Trimtone and tell you what you need to know.

What Is Trimtone and Who Is It For?
Most weight management supplements are produced in capsule form.
Trimtone is no different but that’s okay. Capsules are easier to swallow than tablets and, unlike powder-type supplements, there is no fuss, mess, or complicated preparation.
All you need is a glass of water and you are good to go.
Show me a diet pill for women that does not come in a pink bottle and I’ll tell you it’s an exception to the rule. Trimtone is no exception. It’s pink. So is the official website. There’s a lot of pink going on.
Nothing about the way this product looks is going to cry look at me and give it an edge. That means the formulation is going to have to grab attention by being strong enough to deliver results. Fortunately, it is.
The pills only contain five ingredients, but it’s a very respectable combination of proven fat burners, energy boosters, and appetite suppressants.
The decision to stick to five good ingredients instead of trying to throw in everything but the kitchen sink was a good one.
Women don’t want a product that’s so busy on the ingredient side they have no idea what’s going on. All they want is a product that works and this one should work like a charm.
Although Trimtone is made for women, there does not appear to be anything in the formulation that would make it unsuitable for men. However, Trimtone is not vegetarian or vegan-friendly so it won’t be suitable for all.
The formulation also contains caffeine. That’s going to be another no-no if stimulants are not your thing.

Trimtone Benefits
- Controls hunger
- Makes your body burn more calories
- Fires up your fat loss
- Helps you smash your health and fitness goals
Trimtone Pros and Cons
- Made by a reputable company
- Contains only natural ingredients
- Contains only proven ingredients
- Lots of positive feedback
- Well prices
- Long guarantee
- Available solely from official website
- Unsuitable for women who don’t like caffeine
- Not suitable for vegans
How Does Trimtone Compare to Other Female Fat Burners?
One of the main differences is the formulation is a little simpler, but we’ve already mentioned that. The other big difference is you only need to take one capsule a day. With most of the alternative options, you need to take two or three doses per day.
The manufacturer chose to increase the potency of the pills to make using them easier to fit into normal everyday life. You just take a pill each morning and get on with the rest of your day.
Manufacture and Distribution
Trimtone is manufactured by Swiss Research Labs. It’s a reputable company but the name is confusing. The company is not based in Switzerland and does not appear to have any ties to the country. Swiss Research Labs is based in the UK.
However, the pills are manufactured in a factory in the USA and all orders are shipped directly from there.
Although it’s unclear why the company chose against manufacturing the pills in its home country, it’s no big problem. The American FDA keeps a close eye on supplement factories so quality standards have to be high.
There are a lot of sharks in the diet pill industry. Swiss Research Labs is not one of them. Nor is it a big fish, but it’s a company that prides itself on offering an excellent level of customer support.
It’s also very open about where it is based and the Trimtone website provides a mailing address for its headquarters in Nottingham. As a means of making contact, that’s not ideal but it’s always confidence building when a company discloses its whereabouts.
The best way to contact Swiss Research Labs may be via the chat facility on the Trimtone website. It’s also possible to reach out to customer services via email and online form.
Another option is to pick up the phone. The company has helplines in Australia, Britain, and the United States.

Trimtone In Action (What Does It Do?)
Like all the best diet pills, Trimtone provides support in several different ways. It’s designed to help you to lose weight faster than you could with diet and exercise alone.
As well as helping you to improve on existing results, the formulation takes a lot of the misery out of dieting by helping you get your hunger under control.
Controls Hunger
The first step to losing weight is getting your calorie intake under control. That means avoiding high-calorie foods and learning to eat less in general. Eating less is the hardest part because its the change in lifestyle that unleashes hunger.
When hunger strikes. It’s very unpleasant. It can be so distracting it makes it hard to focus on your work or everyday tasks.
Hunger is the reason why such a lot of people forsake their diets and fail to attain their goals. That’s why it’s so good, Trimtone contains ingredients that can keep hunger cravings under control.
Boosts Metabolism
Metabolism is a term that refers to all the chemical reactions and biological processes that happen in the body. These processes are necessary. They keep us alive.
Most people know metabolism has something to do with weight loss, but not many of them understand why it’s so important.
One of the things your “metabolism” does is allow you to extract energy from food. Metabolic processes also allow you to harness the energy and put it to work.
When your diet provides too much energy, metabolic processes store the excess as fat.
Then, when your diet fails to provide sufficient energy, your metabolism reclaims the energy from the fat and puts it to work.
The metabolic rate is not constant. When we are taking it easy, metabolism is quite slow. To put this into perspective, the average woman burns 2,000 calories each day to power respiration, blood circulation, and all the many other processes that keep her alive.
Physical activity requires additional energy. The more strenuous the activity is, the greater the energy drain will be. This is the reason why getting regular exercise is so beneficial to anyone who is trying to lose weight.
Exercise is not the only thing that can increase metabolism. Certain compounds, such as caffeine and green tea can make your metabolism faster as well.
These compounds are not magical gifts of nature that will allow you to get slim if you are eating like a pig. However, if you are already making the right efforts with your diet, they enable you to lose more weight than you were doing before.
It’s a little like fitting a turbocharger to a car. The engine does the important work. It needs to be running correctly. The turbocharger just enables it to go faster than before.
Increases Thermogenesis
Trimtone is also a thermogenic fat burner. That means it’s capable of increasing thermogenesis. This is another metabolic process. It’s the one that causes living human flesh to generate heat.
Even on cold days when your skin does not feel warm to the touch, your body is still warm inside. That’s why blowing warm air from your lungs into your hands is so good for warming them up. The heat that helps take the chill from your fingers is made possible by thermogenesis.
Heat is energy. Thermogenesis causes you to lose energy into the air. When your diet and other weight loss efforts have already caused you to start burning extra calories (energy), any increase in thermogenesis will make you burn more.
Provides Extra Energy
The diet that creates the energy shortage that helps you to lose weight can also cause feelings of fatigue. Trimtone contains caffeine because it’s a stimulant that can help bring your energy levels back up.
As well as helping to prevent fatigue caffeine can also provide you with extra energy to put into sports. For that reason, Swiss Research Labs claims Trimtone can be used as a pre-workout supplement.
In reality, there are specialized supplements that offer more in that regard but the caffeine in Trimtone will give energy levels a boost.
Trimtone Ingredient Profile
Each Trimtone capsule provides:
- Caffeine Anhydrous (120 mg)
- Green Tea (100 mg)
- Glucomannan (100 mg)
- Green Coffee Bean Extract (100 mg)
- Grains of Paradise (40 mg)
Other ingredients: Gelatin (Capsule Casing), Silica, Magnesium Stearate.
Ingredient Capabilities (A Closer Look at What’s Under the Hood)
So, that’s the ingredients; let’s take a look at what they can do.
Caffeine Anhydrous
Caffeine is stimulant most people are familiar with. You get it from drinking coffee and energy drinks. It’s also present in several types of tea.
Caffeine offers many benefits. It boosts energy, increases mental focus, and improves concentration. Caffeine also functions as a hunger suppressant but its abilities are quite mild.
Research shows caffeine is a fat burner as well. It contributes to fat loss by increasing metabolism and is a thermogenic fat burner as well.
Many natural ingredients provide caffeine but caffeine anhydrous is a concentrated form. The body assimilates it easily allowing the benefits to kick-in fast.
Green Tea

Green is one of the best natural fat burners in the world. It’s also one of the healthiest.
Apart from increasing metabolism and thermogenesis, the antioxidants green tea provides also rid the body of toxins.
There’s a lot of evidence that proves green tea’s value as a fat burner. Research suggests the metabolism boost it provides may continue for up to 24 hours.
Glucomannan is another excellent diet pill ingredient. It’s a fiber that comes from the roots of the Asian konjac plant.
Glucomannan is extremely hygroscopic. That’s a scientific term that means it’s very good at absorbing moisture. In fact, this particular root extract is so hygroscopic it can soak up 50 times its own weight in water.
When glucomannan combines with water it expands and becomes a gel. When this happens in the stomach it satiates the appetite and reduces hunger.
Green Coffee Bean Extract

Green coffee beans provide chlorogenic acid. When they are roasted in preparation for brewing coffee, most of the chemical is lost.
Chlorogenic acid is a carb blocker that can reduce calorie intake by limiting the amount of sugar and carbs your digestive organs absorb.
In addition to this, the compound also helps regulate insulin and blood sugar. By doing this is can prevent a series of reactions that may cause cravings for sugary food.
Grains of Paradise
Grains of paradise is the name commonly used for the seeds that come from a plant in the ginger family. It’s called Aframomum Melegueta. Like ginger, it has a spicy flavor and is good for adding flavor to food.
Grains of paradise is also a fat burner but it works a little differently to the way other fat burners do.
There are two types of fat in the human body. White adipose tissue (WAT) is the predominant kind. WAT pads and protects the organs. It’s also the form of body fat that builds up to make you obese.
The other type of fat is brown adipose tissue (BAT). It induces a form of thermogenesis that burns extra calories and can help you to lose more of your WAT. [source]
How to Use Trimtone
You need to use Trimtone with diet and exercise. The manufacturer makes this clear. Unlike a lot of companies, Swiss Research Labs is not trying to mislead women into believing it has created a magic pill.
The dose is one capsule. You need to take it with water at the start of your day.
Potential Side Effects and Additional Usage Considerations
Trimtone doesn’t have any known side effects, but its a source of caffeine. It provides a similar amount of caffeine to the amount you would get from one-and-a-half cups of coffee.
Most women should be okay with this but women who have tolerance issues will be best off avoiding this product.
Trimtone will be unsuitable for vegans or vegetarians because the capsule contains gelatin.
As with any other female fat burner, Trimtone is not intended for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding a child.
The Best Place to Buy Trimtone
Sorry ladies. There are no opportunities for shopping around. You can only buy this product from the official Trimtone website but that’s no cause for alarm.
Trimtone is very reasonably priced and Swiss Research Labs offers all its customers free rapid shipping—worldwide.
Every bottle contains 30 capsules. That’s enough to help you burn extra fat for a month and, with a price tag of just USD 49.95, Trimtone is one of the cheapest good fat burners a woman can buy.
Ladies who want to get more bang for their buck can do so by taking advantage of the bulk buy incentives.
- Buy 2 bottles get 1 free
- Buy 3 bottles get 2 free
At the time of this review, Trimtone was running a special promotion that allowed site visitors to bag a 30% discount on their orders.
That’s a very good deal and Swiss Research Labs backs its product with a very generous100-day money-back guarantee.

Does Trimtone Work and Is It Worth the Money?
Trimtone is more than capable of delivering on the promises Swiss Research Labs makes for it. The choice and combination of ingredients is incredibly good. The main thing to remember is it’s not going to perform miracles.
Although the formulation is good enough to help you drop weight like magic; if you don’t make the right efforts with diet and exercise it will throw a massive spanner into the works.
Trimtone is not an alternative to diet and exercise, it’s a product that will give your existing efforts and incredible shove in the right direction.
Although Swiss Research Labs could be seen as one of the new kids in town, the company has entered the scene with a bang.
It’s rare to find such a good product, sold at such a reasonable price, with such a long guarantee. It’s excellent value for money.