Okranol, the main ingredient in XLS Medical Ultra 5, is an insoluble fiber which interacts with digested fats in the upper part of your stomach. It is claimed to help you lose 5x more weight than dieting alone. Read the review to find out how it works!

XLS Medical Ultra 5 Review Summary: Advertised as the best weight loss products yet, Ultra 5 is certainly no stranger to UK customers. Readily available in Boots and Holland and Barrett (and Tesco and Superdrug). Customers from United States may have go the Amazon route to purchase.
As a weight loss product we would hesitate to give our backing. The single mechanic of action weight loss products are starting to look dated now. The price point is also pretty steep.
If you want our recommendation we would strongly suggest PhenQ – A powerful weight loss supplement that increases your metabolism and suppresses your hunger, increasing your body’s natural ability to burn fat.
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XLS Medical Ultra 5 Review
XLS Medical Ultra 5 is a fat blocker made in Europe by Omega Pharma. It’s a subsidiary of Perrigo. Both are reputable companies that are responsible for producing many popular health and wellness brands as well as a number of beauty and cosmetic products.
Ultra 5 is but one of several blocker-type supplements distributed under the XLS Medical brand name.
The original XLS-Medical Fat Binder is sold with the promise it will help you to lose three times as much weight as you could with diet alone. There is also a one-shot sachet version that provides an edible powder. Again, the promise is it will help you to lose three times as much weight as you could with diet alone.
As the name suggests, Ultra 5 is meant to be capable of helping people to lose five times more weight than they could just by following a low-calorie diet. This claim is based on the results of a clinical trial where the participants given the key ingredient in the capsules and lost five times as much weight as the placebo group.
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XLS Medical Ultra 5 Benefits
- Healthy, effective weight loss
- Up to 5X more weight-loss (versus dieting alone)
- Reduces body fat and lowers BMI
- Reduces centimeters around the hips and waist
- Results can show after 1 month
How Does the Formulation Work?
Some fat blockers work by suppressing the abilities of the enzyme the body uses to breakdown and digest dietary fat. XLS Medical Ultra 5 is a fat binder. Products of this nature provide an indigestible compound that binds with fat, making it indigestible too.
By combining with the fat, the fat binding ingredient makes the molecules of the compound too large to pass through the intestinal walls. Because of its inert nature, Omega Pharma refers to it’s product as a “medical device” instead of calling it a supplement.
Supplements are absorbed and cause specific changes in the body, such as a faster metabolism or more energy. XLS Medical Ultra 5 is not absorbed and it does not alter body function in any way. It simply passes through the body and then leaves, picking up a little fat as it goes and, treating it a little like a hitchhiker, takes the fat along for the ride.
Who Is XLS Medical Ultra 5 For?
XLS-Medical Ultra 5 is for men and women who want to lose weight. It offers the same level of benefit to people of either sex. Omega Pharma isn’t marketing the product with any ridiculous promises or claiming it’s a magic weight-loss pill. Far from it. The company is targeting people who are willing to make a serious effort to lose weight and have realistic expectations.
However, Omega Pharma makes it clear the diet product is not for people who are under the age of 18. However, the warning on the back of the box states children as young as 12 may be able to use the product if a doctor or other medical professional gives their approval.
Omega Pharma also points out XLS Medical Ultra 5 is not suitable for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding a child.
People who have health problems may be able to use this fat binding product but only if a medical professional provides they’re okay. The same is true for anyone who would need to use the capsules alongside medication.
You may also be glad to hear the product is vegan friendly and 100% stimulant-free.
What’s the Best Way to Use XLS Medical Ultra 5?
Omega Pharma makes it clear the best way to get the maximum benefit from this product is to use it in conjunction with diet and exercise.
That’s the best way to get the best from weight management products of all types but many manufacturers try and mislead people by saying their products can go it alone. It’s refreshing to see Omega Pharma adopting such a down-to-earth and honest approach.
The dose is two capsules, three times per day. That’s two capsules after breakfast, two after lunch, and two more after your evening meal.
You take the capsules with a full glass of water and Omega Pharma stresses the importance of drinking at least two liters of water throughout the day.
Key Ingredients – What’s in it?
XLS-Medical Ultra 5 only contains one active ingredient. It’s called Okranol and the capsules provide an unspecified amount.
The situation with this ingredient is very strange. Omega Pharma filed the Okranol patent registration on December 5, 2018. [here]
Now, things get interesting.
The XLS-Medical website states there has been a clinical study to “determine the efficacy of the product.” The site then provides a brief overview of the study and the results.
Omega Pharma says Okranol is a proprietary blend of dehydrated okra powder and inulin but it does not provide any links to the study.
According to the site, the study was a “clinical investigation to evaluate the benefits and tolerability of two doses of XLS-Medical Ultra 5 in reducing body weight in overweight and moderately obese subjects.”
It took a little time but I managed to locate the original study. It was published online on February 3, 2019. There is no reference to XLS-Medical Ultra 5. Nor does it mention Okranol.
The study was actually carried out on a natural fiber blend created by InQpharm. The blend is identified as IQP-AE-103.
InQpharm is a respected company that is responsible for producing a number of proprietary blends. Litramine is one of them. It’s the ingredient Omega Pharma uses in its original fat binding product.
The study details reveal IQP-AE-103 is a proprietary blend of Okra and inulin, so Okranol and IQP-AE-103 may be one and the same.
This is very strange. The blend was registered as Okranol. XLS Medical Ultra 5 contains Okranol. Why test the ingredient under a different name?
There’s another problem here. The marketing material doesn’t disclose the inclusion rate. Nor does the box. Even if Okranol is IQP-AE-103, there is no way to be sure XLS-Medical Ultra 5 provides the same dose as that used in the clinical trial.
Does XLS Ultra 5 Work?
There was a 2-week run-in phase before the study to allow the researchers to assess the volunteers’ compliance with the study requirements and dietary regimen.
Members of the three groups were given capsules that contained one of three options:
- IQP-AE-103 (330 mg)
- IQP-AE-103 (165 mg)
- Placebo
At the completion of the study, the data showed the placebo group had lost, on average, 0.98 kg during the 12 weeks. This weight-loss must have been attributable to their low-calorie diets.
The individuals who got the low dose of IQP-AE-103 lost an average of 3.01 kg during the study period, so their level of weight-loss was three times greater than the placebo group.
However, the volunteers given the high dose of IQP-AE-103 attained an average weight loss of 5.03 kg. That’s five times as much as the placebo group; hence the claim that XLS Medical Ultra 5 can produce up to 5X more weight-loss (versus dieting alone).
Are There Any Customer Reviews for XLS Medical Ultra 5
Customer reviews are very thin on the ground and the few that are available suggests it is an overly expensive product that fails to deliver the goods.
Does XLS Medical Ultra 5 Have Any Side Effects?
Despite the fact one customer says the capsules gave her gas, side effects are unlikely. This is a product that only contains two forms of natural fiber. It should be a very safe product to use. Let’s not forget XLS Medical Ultra 5 is a medical device, not a normal supplement.
However, fat binding products generally cause the feces to become soft and greasy. This is not surprising considering the way they work.
Problems are only likely to arise when people eat a high-fat diet and use fat binders to provide damage limitation. The more fat you eat, the more that there will be for the ingredients to block. This presents a risk of severe diarrhea and soiled underwear.
Fat blockers also have the potential to cause deficiencies in Vitamins A, D, E, and K. All four are fat-soluble nutrients you obtain from the fat your food provides. Fat binders don’t just block calories, they make it impossible to attain nutrients from fats as well.
It’s often a wise precaution to take a vitamin supplement when you use products that block fat absorption. However, you need to have an interval of 2-3 hours between taking the supplement and taking the fat blocker.
Where to Buy XLS Medical Ultra 5?
If you live in the British Isles, you can buy XLS Medical Ultra 5 from Boots the Chemist. It’s also available via competing pharmacies and from certain supermarket chains. Buying from Amazon UK is an option as well.
Although it initially retailed at £60 per box, the price has come down to £45. That’s cheaper than it was, but it’s not really a bargain. A box only contains a 2-week supply of pills. That means using this product actually costs £90 per month.
XLS Medical Ultra 5 is also relatively easy to buy in many other European countries, often under the name XLS Medical Forte 5. Elsewhere in the world, the product is likely to be more difficult to obtain.
Does it Have a Guarantee?
XLS Medical Ultra 5 does not have a money-back guarantee.
Hit or Miss? (Can You Lose Weight with XLS-Medical Ultra 5?)
Although the study data suggests Okranol(?) is capable of helping people to lose five times more weight than they could with diet alone, customer reviews make disappointing reading.
It’s possible the people who say it does not work had poor results because their diets were not sufficiently low in calories. Many people fail to realize how many calories their food provides. That’s one of the reasons such a lot of people gain weight in the first place.
It is also important not to eat food that is bad for your gut health.
Unfortunately, it’s also possible that the formulation is not as good as Omega Pharma believes it to be.
Whatever the reason behind the bad reviews, the lack of positive feedback makes using Ultra 5 a bit of gamble and, due to the high cost of the product, the stakes are pretty high. If Omega Pharma was offering a money-back guarantee, this would not be so much of a problem. In the absence of a guarantee it is.
If you are thinking of buying XLS-Medical Ultra 5, it’s also worth remembering all it does is block fat absorption. If you normally have a problem controlling your hunger, this product will not help.
You could get around this by using XLS Medical Ultra 5 alongside an appetite suppressant, but that would only increase your monthly supplement costs. It would make more sense to purchase a product that offers a broader level of support.
Recommended Reading: Have you heard about PhenQ – A natural weight loss pill that targets body fat and also helps you cut back on calorie consumption.